Hello Friends & Family,
This month has proven very busy for us, but that's a good start to the New Year in my book. Jake's NCO was transfered to another unit and he was given the job as NCOIC (non-commissioned officer in charge). Normally that is an E-6 slot, but as Jake will be going before the promotion board as soon as he can find a free second, his Commander wanted him to have the job. He is definately learning on the run since they have left for 2 weeks on a training exercise to Ft. Lewis, WA. This training is to help them prepare for their deployment. Jake will be home Feb. 15th. They are still on schedule to deploy to Kuwait in Mid-May for a year. The unit was granted block leave April 7-15 (Easter) and the Commander made it clear no other leave would be granted prior to their deployment.
So we will be coming out to Utah for Easter so Jake can see everyone before the deployment. This also means that our Baby, due Sept. 2nd, will arrive without Daddy here. This was apparent to us prior to conception, so there's no big surprise there. We're hoping Daddy can take his mid-tour leave around his birthday next year to meet our newest little one.
So far the pregnancy is going well. The morning (all day) sickness is starting to subside now that I'm about 10 weeks along. On Feb. 9th I have an OB appointment, and should get a definative answer about whether to expect one or two additions to our family. I'm still praying for one.
The kids are doing very well. Jan. 25th was both Jake and the twin's birthday. Mikey and Evey are now 2. They had a small party and enjoyed their cupcakes and presents. I'll send a few photos out in another e-mail. Jake was glad the focus was on them, and not him, but he enjoyed his presents too. James is very focused on birthdays right now, and planning his own although its not until March 9th. Apparently we're having a super man party, outside, with lots of balloons. Sounds good to me.
James is also doing very well in school. He has a best friend now, Ryan. They are in the same class, and Ryan is also a member of our church, so they have Sunday School together too. Ryan's family joined us for the birthday celebration, and all us parents really enjoyed card games after the little ones went to bed.
I've also been busy with FRG (family readiness group) stuff. We had an FRG meeting to prepare the families with what to expect during the training exercise and how to start preparing for the impending deployement. I thought several people would fall off their chairs when I mentioned that the soldier's cell phones may not get reception in the field, so they needed a point of contact # in case of emergencies. We are definately becoming a technology dependent civilization. For many families this is a first time deployment and I'm shocked at how much they don't know - but that's why we have the FRG there to prepare them.
Jake and I have also been busy with our church callings. I'm still amazed every time we get to sit through an entire sacrament meeting with all 3 kids behaving. I know it will be short lived after the baby arrives, but it's nice while it lasts. James loves his Sunbeam class, and Mikey & Evey are always excited to run down the hall to the nursery room. My class and I have acclamated to each other and are working well together. Jake is busy busy busy aiding the Elder's Quorum.
Overall, we are happy and generally healthy. Jake gave us a little scare with a fainting episode due to dehyrdation & sinus infection. However he seems on the mend. Due to the nature of the episode, and his family history he's meeting with a cardiologist for an echo-cardiogram (picture of his heart) on Feb. 20th. A precautionary measure to make sure all is well before we send him off to Kuwait. Otherwise life is good and we've been very blessed. I hope all is well for you!
Inward Struggle
11 years ago