So James started school today, and although he was excited it was bitter sweet for me. However; it was harder sending my oldest to his first day of preschool; today it seemed surreal that my little boy was starting kindergarten. He is attending Alpha Academy and I was surprised to learn they'd be in school for 7 hours every day.
The school is under some construction so things were a bit crazy at the drop off. Ever taking charge, I volunteered to help the teachers and ended up filtering students into class lines. Jake got put on car detail directing traffic. Once everyone was lined up the older students were taken by bus to the middle school (until construction is finished) while the younger students were escorted to their new classrooms.
James made himself right at home and didn't care when Jake and I parted. It wasn't so easy for me, and Jake ended up pulling me out the door. So here are some photos from the day. I will be off to pick James up from school and go to our first piano lessons. Best Wishes! Elizabeth
Inward Struggle
11 years ago