Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Typhoid McDonald wasn't as bad as originally thought

So I was pretty upset when I posted last night's blog. Today, I've simmered down. Jake went into the PA again this morning and was doing much better. He's still on the muscle relaxant and 800 mg IB-profin, but is back to work as normal. The PA told him it'd take a week to feel back to 100% and to come in if it gets worse or doesn't go away. I'm still not happy about the medical treatment there, but I'm greatful my husband is doing better.

More good news is that the twins had their 18 month check up and are doing well. Evey's still a little fussy from the 2 shots they got. All traces of Mikey's pnemonia are completely gone. Mike has a little weight to gain back since his incident at the begining of July. Before he was 30 lbs. Today he weighed in at 28 lbs, which puts him just a little above the 50%. Evey was 24 lbs, which put her just below the 50% - a jump from before when she was at 25%.

Since they had their Dr. appointment this afternoon, I decided to make the morning extra fun. We ran by the bank and then spent 2 hours at the Facisnate U Children's Museum here in Fayetteville. They love running around in the mini-town and roll playing. Today James' specialty was grocery shopping & checkout. Evey liked driving the Newspaper truck, and Mikey just loved running around with the other kids. (Or running off in the totally opposite direction; leaving me to chase him down and bring him back to the other two.)

Anyway, the Lord has blessed us yet again. I'm so grateful that Jake is doing better and Mikey as well. I need to learn to relax a little and let the Lord guide me. Well, have a great day!

- Elizabeth

1 comment:

Andreamy said...

Elizabeth! So good to find your blog! Congrats on your twins. I had no idea, but then, I've been WAY out of the loop for quite some time. I hope Typhoid McDonald leaves you all alone for awhile! If it's not one thing, it's another!
Love, Andrea